Here are some words for this week. How about making some sentences using them and blogging them to me?
Beginner II
Be into (verb) - interested in something, either as a hobby or a popular trend or fashion.
"These days I am into listening to old Sponge Bob Marley records."
Complicated (adjective) - something which is difficult to do or understand.
"The recipe for making Mabo-dofu toast is not complicated."
Thesaurus (noun) - a book containing synonyms of words, i.e. words with similar meanings.
"I used a thesaurus to find a different word meaning 'beginner'."
Medium I
Contemplate (verb) - to consider carefully about something.
"I am contemplating planting a coconut tree in my bathroom garden."
Easygoing (adjective) - calm, relaxed and friendly. Usually about a person's character, but can use for something that is not difficult to do, e.g. a flat hiking course.
"Harry is a very easygoing boss. As long as it's not everyday, he doesn't mind if workers arrive a few minutes late."
Accomplishment (noun) - something completed successfully.
"Eating 1,000 hotdogs in the World Hotdog Eating Championships was quite an accomplishment."
Medium II
Procrastinate (verb) - to put off doing something which you could do now.
"Tom procrastinated all week and had to stay up until 3am on the morning before the test to finish the essay."
Spontaneous (adjective) - to do something without giving prior thought or planning.
"There was spontaneous applause for the prime minister after he spoke about new tax cuts for monkey owners."
Legacy (noun) - something handed down or left unfinished from the past.
"Jack's legacy as the most outstanding worm wrangler in the USA lives on within the town in which he was born."